Subject: Western Division Meeting - August 25, 2002
Last Chance for Democratic Governance

At the November 16, 2002, Annual General Meeting, a move will be made
to sanction By-Law No. 2 enacted by the Board of Governors.

In reaction to this, the Western Division met in Calgary in August
to discuss the draft bylaw No. 2 (version dated May 21, 2002).

Voting members from BC/YT, AB, SK, and MB were present at this meeting.

Their conclusion:

The Voting Members of the four councils are not able to
support the Bylaw II document (version dated May 21, 2002).

Some of the issues that were identified:

1) Article IV (d) (v) The Executive Commissioner/CEO must be
   directly responsible to the Board of Governors and this must
   be explicitly stated in the Bylaws.
2) Article V must be amended to explicitly allow BOG members
   to place items on the BOG agenda.
3) Article IV (b) places unreasonable restrictions on the
   powers of the BOG to dismiss a CEO.
4) In the draft Policies and Procedures document, the CEO has
   absolute authority over the creation or dissolution of Councils.
   Therefore he effectively controls the number of Voting Members
   at the AGM. The Bylaw needs to describe/define what is a
   Council and to ensure a consultative process with and agreement
   of ordinary members affected by proposed changes to Councils.
5) Article II (a) (iii) (a) We also have to de-link the democratic
   process from the administrative process.  We believe that
   there should be a democratic electoral process which allows
   ordinary members to elect the Voting Members of the Corporation.
6) Article II (a) (iii) (b) We have some concerns about serving
   members of the BOG also being Voting Members at the AGM.
   This is a sizeable voting block (24 of 76) and dilutes the
   ability of the ordinary members through their elected voting
   members to effect election of the members of the BOG.
7) There are a number of significant cost and funding source impacts.
   We are not aware of any Business Plans or cost impact analysis
   being completed to establish the impact of the changes.
   For example, in BC the proposed removal of  elected governance
   and management organizations at the council and group level would
   reduce BC Government funding by approximately $800k per annum.
8) There are significant holes in the proposed Bylaw II document.
   There are key pieces defined in the companion (draft) documents.
   Portions of the documents must be integrated into the Bylaws
   to improve the clarity.  It would also enhance our ability to
   understand and discuss the changes.
9) There are some flaws in the nominating and election process.
   We need to ensure that all nominations are presented to the AGM
   and that no vetting takes place by the nominating committee.


   We cannot support the proposed Bylaw II and it should not be presented
   for vote at the upcoming AGM.

   We believe that more work and consultation is required.  Consultation
   should include representation from all Provincial Councils.

   We believe we need a single document that covers the critical factors,
   instead of a patchwork of three or four documents.

They are:

BC/YK  President     Keith Martin
        Commissioner  Andy Ackerman
        Youth Member  not listed

AB     President     William Cox
        Commissioner  Jon Hall
        Youth Member  not listed

SK     President     Peter Hardman
        Commissioner  Brian Watson
        Youth Member  not listed

MB     President     Glenn Armstrong
        Commissioner  Al Patterson
        Youth Member  not listed

NWT/NV President    Chris Hanks
        Commissioner Mike Kalnay
        Youth Member  not listed

ON     President     Kathryn Brown
        Commissioner  Chuck Lawrence
        Youth Member  not listed

QC     President     Richard Morris
        Commissioner  Jeff Smith
        Youth Member  not listed

NB     President     Dean Mundee
        Commissioner  Helen Knowles
        Youth Member  not listed

NS     President     Robert Patzelt
        Commissioner  Kevin MacDonald
        Youth Member  not listed

PEI    President     Nial Coulson
        Commissioner  Micheline Charest
        Youth Member  not listed

NF/LB  President     not listed
         Commissioner Everett Price
        Youth Member  not listed